Fluency MC at JBC

(actualisé le )

Lundi 18 mars, Fluency MC est venu à la rencontre des 4èmes qui ont écrit puis chanté avec lui !

Texte écrit par la classe
Fluency MC at JBC
It was fantastic ! We sang the song ’Stick, Stuck, Stuck’ about irregular verbs.
Fluency MC lives in Paris and he can speak French. He has two children, a boy and a girl. They are 16 and 11.
We also sang ’Fresh, Fresher, Freshest’, a song about adjectives.

Chanson à la manière de Fluency MC
Today we SEE, SAW, SEEN Fluency MC
We SING, SANG, SUNG with him,
Now we KNOW, KNEW, KNOWN the irregular verbs,
Thank you, you THINK, THOUGHT, THOUGHT about us !